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MaxLee    等级  

楼主 发表于  2016/12/26 22:45:59    编 辑   


一位刚在美国博士毕业的助理教授急招全奖PHD,有多个RA,TA职位,学费全包,每月工资$2000+,有感兴趣的请联系~即使不能满足所有招生条件也可以投简历试试哈~ 虽然现在学校申请的deadline可能已经过了或者你的GT还没考。。但是如果你方向很match兴趣很大能证明你有些闪光点(GPA高啊或者竞赛获奖啊或者单纯数学成绩很高啊。。),这些都不是问题,一切都可商量哈~~

招生广告:CS PhD RA Openings at Boise State UniversityDr. Yantian Hou''s Network & Security Lab has multiple Ph.D. TA/RA openings starting from Spring 2017 or Fall 2017 with salary $2000+ per month. The successful candidates are expected to work on exciting research areas in network and security, including: 1) applied cryptography, 2) mobile/wireless networks, 3) mobile/wireless networks security, 4) social network privacy. A solid background in any one of the following will equally be a plus: 1) computer security/cryptography, 2) wireless communications & networking, 3) social network privacy 4) machine learning/data mining/game theory. If you are interested, please send your CV/resume, transcripts, GRE and TOEFL scores (if tests already taken), and any other information that you believe is helpful for your application to (yantianhou@boisestate.edu). Visiting scholars/students are also welcomed. Boise is the third most populous metropolitan area in the United States'' Pacific Northwest region, behind Seattle and Portland. Boise State is Idaho’s metropolitan research university, located in the state’s population center and capital city, a hub of government, business, the arts, health care, industry and technology.

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